
Showing posts from October, 2016

I would like to propose ...

... an advertising program to your fluid power component manufacturing or distribution company for 2017.  Why?  Because it makes sense. Advertising in a magazine, one a website, or through e-mail based vehicles to deliver your sales message to a qualified and interested audience is the best way to increase the brand awareness of your company and products.  It also generates sales leads to increase sales and market share. That is what we, at Fluid Power World, can do for your fluid power company.  Just let me know when you are ready to talk and we can set up a GoTo Meeting.  Don't wait too long though.  You will want to take advantage of our January Leadersship Issue and February IFPE Preview issue. Just let me know at

Is it a job?

Hey to everyone who works ... think about they way that you make a living.  Is it a job?  Is it a career?  Or, is it a calling? I think that we would all like to say that our position is a calling and that we have special gifts and talents that we are using and sharing to get paid enough money to live on.  On the way to work this morning, I was listening to an audio book titled The Happiness Advantage by Sean Achor.   Click here for a link to the book.   The content of this audiobook is what stimulated me to revisit this though process about working people. This started me to think about my own position and how I have viewed my "job or jobs" over my "career."  The author describes a job as something that we do for the paycheck mostly.  We punch in and punch out and look forward to off time. To me a "career" is a somewhat connected period of a person's work life that utilizes skills and knowledge from one point in that career to the next and...

We start big and stay strong in 2017

We have big plans for 2017 here at Fluid Power World .  We will kickoff the year with our big Leadership in Engineering issue combined with Design World .  It will follow our winning format of providing a full page company profile to every advertiser. I invite all fluid power companies to take advantage of this opportunity to promote your company and products.  You get the ad and a profile page for one price. We move on to our February IFPE preview and we have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze package that will fit every advertiser.  Please contact me for more details. Fluid Power World will be published in print 8 times next year and every issue covers fluid power technology from end to end.  We offer complete and expert coverage of fluid power products and applications.  Put Fluid Power World to work for your company in 2017. We will start the year in a big way with our Leadership and IFPE issues and continue strong with our print magazi...

Do you like webinars?

At Fluid Power World, we surround our audience with content in many forms.  One of them is the webinar.  I ask, do you like to learn from webinars? Here is an example of our of our 2016 webinars titled Cylinder Mounting I invite you to visit this link  to determine of our webinars are for you.  If so, we have a new one planned for October 18 titled Dealing With Contamination Sources in Hydraulics - Part 1.   Here is a link for you to register.