
Showing posts from February, 2021

I'm looking for fluid power companies

 Being in the industry as long as I have, I know most of them.  That is I know about the manufacturers and distributors of fluid power components and related products. However, I would like to help companies to increase their brand awareness and generate sales leads but I am especially interested in hearing from companies that I do not know about.  If your company sells fluid power components and systems in the U.S. and you are not currently taking advantage of all of the modern marketing opportunities available, I would like to hear from you. I can put together an affordable package that will deliver results.  I have been doing that for a long time and I would like to help your company. Please contact me for a no-committment-needed consultation at .  I can help your company in 2021/

We've Got Some Great Information for You

 If you are an engineer, mechanic, or fluid power user in any capacity, our February 2021 issue offers some great information for you. We balance our content every issue to deliver to our audience to report on all of the major industries using fluid power while delivering on our promise of the editorial calendar.  In February, that starts with a feature cover story on Smart Pneumatics, Gateway to higher efficiency, productivity.  Take a look and read about how smart pneumatics address real world industrial challenges in many applications. Next is a report on how heat exchangers help hydraulic systems to keep their cool.  Addressing the problems that excessive heat can cause in machinery is the job of heat exchangers and, at Fluid Power World, we remember that important component and the contributions to productive and save machinery and equipment. There is much more included in this, our latest issue.  If you are not already a subscriber, just go to this link a...

Coming in April

 Join us in our next print issue of Fluid Power World, April 2021.  Here is our editorial lineup:   Fluid Power World –  April 2021 Industrial Application:  Offshore and Marine Getting oil and gas from the Earth requires the strength and durability of fluid power systems.  Here are some examples Mobile Application:  Forestry The forestry business requires equipment and machinery that can withstand harsh environments.  Hydraulics meets the challenge. Pneumatics in Food and Beverage This article will review some interesting ways that pneumatics are used in the delivery and marketing of food and beverage items. Product Focus:  Hydraulic Reservoir Design and Pneumatic Grippers Advertising closing date March 31, 2021 Our goal is to always cover fluid power systems from tank or compressor to actuator and all components in between.  Not only that but we report on applications form most end use markets powered by fl...

Let's Get Moving

 It is already February of 2021.  Hopefully, the economy continues to improve this year, especially the economy of the fluid power industry.  All indications are that it will.  If you did not get a chance to attend our economic webinar a few weeks ago presented by Alan Beaulieu, here is a link for the archived version.  It was a very positive message that we heard. You can still ramp up your 2021 marketing with the many options we have available from Fluid Power World.  Coming up is our April print issue and here is the lineup: Fluid Power World –  April 2021 Industrial Application:  Offshore and Marine Getting oil and gas from the Earth requires the strength and durability of fluid power systems.  Here are some examples Mobile Application:  Forestry The forestry business requires equipment and machinery that can withstand harsh environments.  Hydraulics meets the challenge. Pneumatics in Food and Beverage This ...