Is our iceberg melting?

Well first of all, no, I don't think so.  While we have been experiencing a difficult few years in fluid power, we are still a stable industry with applications across many markets with new innovations every year.  However, that was a good lead in to my discussion about the book "Our Iceberg is Melting" by John Kotter which I listened to this week.

This is a book about dealing with change and you can learn much more about Mr. Kotter's works on this subject by visiting his website.  

Our fluid power industry is always in a state of change and many companies have dealt with the changes very well while some have not.  There have been challenges from other technologies, from other countries, and from changes in the marketplace.

If you read or listened to this book, your company will probably benefit from the insights about dealing with change in business as portrayed there.  Give it a look.

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