An easy way to generate sales leads

Fluid Power World will be conducting a series of editorial webinars in 2017 starting with "Selecting sensors for fluid power systems" on February 17.  These webinars present our advertisers with an easy opportunity to generate sales leads from interested audience members.

Your participation is simple.  We promote your company as a sponsor in all of the e-blasts sent out to promote the webinar.  We embed a commercial within the webinar identifying the advertiser as a sponsor. Then all of the leads go to the advertiser/sponsor.

Here is our lineup for 2017

2/17/17 Selecting sensors for fluid power systems

4/17/17 Pneumatic cylinders

6/17/17 Fluid power maintenance

8/17/17 Cylinder mounting 101

10/17/17 Pneumatic system design

12/17/17 Proper contamination control

Click here to review one of our past webinars.

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