The Future of Telematics

The lead article scheduled for our October Issue of Fluid Power World is titled The Future of Telematics.  First of all, what is it?

I copied this from Google:

The area of Telematics that we are concerned with involves the control of mobile equipment of all types including mining, construction, agriculture, and more.  I asked our author, Carl Dyke, what he will be writing about and this is how he described his article:

It will examine the evolution of mobile equipment, remote monitoring, with an emphasis on data driven trends to improve uptime/availability. equipment reliability, asset life, and control of the maintenance costs.  This article will include content of interest to users of controllers, software, sensors, and to system integrators and consultants of telematics equipment.

If any of these technical professionals are of interest to your company, please consider advertising in our October issue.  Please contact me for details at

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