Leadership in Engineering

In January, Design World magazine will publish the 2019 Leadership in Engineering Issue and it will include profiles from hundreds of companies showing their capabilities.  Here is an example:

All companies placing an advertisement in this issue will receive a free profile full page similar to this one.  We always have many fluid power companies participating in this issue and I invite all fluid power component manufacturers to join in.

Your participation is simple, just place an ad of any size in this issue and we will be in touch with you to put together a profile page customized for your company.  You can show your products, technical capabilities, describe your service and delivery, and any other matters of interest to our 40,000 readers.

Our team will judge a leader in every category including fluid power and you will be recognized in an upcoming issue.  I hope that you will join us in 2019 in providing our readers with the very latest engineering content available.  Please contact me with any questions.  I have a new phone number and you can reach me at 216-386-8903, please call anytime.  My e-mail address is mference@wtwhmedia.com

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