
Showing posts from May, 2019

Announcing Fluid Power Technology Conference - Cleveland

We are happy to announce the next location and dates for our Fluid Power Technology Conference.  It will be held in Cleveland, Ohio at Cleveland State University.  The tentative dates are November 19-20, 2019. We will be bringing the same level of fluid power technical content to our audience in Cleveland that we provided from the stages at MSOE in Milwaukee earlier in May.  There will be keynote speakers, a panel, presentations by exhibitors, our own expert presenters, and fluid power exhibits of current technology. So please mark your calendar and save the date for FPTC- Cleveland.  Please contact me if you are interested in joining us as a sponsor, exhibitor, and presenter.

Affinity Based Marketing

We continue to expand our portfolio of marketing and advertising options at Fluid Power World.  We already have a robust offering of our print magazine, 5 websites, 5 e-newsletters, webinars, e-books, e-blasts, social media management, ad word management, and now affinity based marketing. What is that you may ask?  Well I will try to explain.  In fact, give me a call and I will explain it so that we both understand how it works for your company.  The simple explanation is that we have a means for identifying buyers and specifiers who have an interest or "affinity" for content that includes explanations about the products your company sells. With the data on who needs specific product information we can connect your best product information with the audience members who need it the most.  That is all that I will say for now as this is a developing service that we are beginning to offer. The big picture is that we at Fluid Power World are a full-service prov...

The Talks

The real heart of the Fluid Power Technology Conference is the content provided in the many seminar sessions or "talks" given from the FPTC stage.  At our MSOE event last week, we were very privileged to have lots of great content presented. On Tuesday, the first day of the actual conference, Ryan Kay of CEJN Industrial Corporation gave he usual excellent presentation titled Solutions for Multiple Hydraulic Connections ... "Ready, Set, Connect."  In his talk, Ryan discussed how multi-couplers can add value to the equipment/attachment manufactures and their end customers.  Thanks Ryan! Kicking off the sessions from the fieldhouse stage was Thomas Frolich of Freudenberg who talked about the Development of an Innovative Diaphragm Accumulator Design and Assembly Process.   They have developed a new concept for the manufacture of diaphragm accumulators. We thank Thomas for his presentation to our FPTC audience last week.  These two talks combined wit...

Fluid Power Technology Conference Review Part 2

The second day of our May 2019 event at MSOE was the first official day of the conference at the Kern Center.  I had the privilege of getting things started with my usual introductions. I was pleased to have the opportunity to give an overview of Fluid Power World, our mission, and the purpose of our Fluid Power Technology Conference.  I also had the opportunity to announce that our next Fluid Power Technology Conference will be held in Cleveland at Cleveland State University. The event will be held in November 2019 at CSU with the specific dates to be announced soon! The first day of seminar presentations went very well with the topics including Robotics, Hose Connections, Multi-Conntectors, Accumulators, Ductile Iron, Adapators, and then lunch.  Thank you very much to all of our exhibitors and presenters who made this a very successful event.

Fluid Power Technology Conference

This will be the first of several posts about our 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference held at the Kern Center at MSOE in Milwaukee on May 13-15, 2019.  Let me just start by saying that the Conference was a success in many ways. We offered really great content from our classrooms to the Arena Stage to the Field House stage to the individual booths set up by our sponsors. On Monday, we offered two full-day workshops at the Grohman Tower which is right next to the Kern Center.  One was titled "Advanced Hydraulics Mashup" presented by Tom Blansett of the International Fluid Power Society and it included about 25 attendees who spent the entire day learning. The other session presented on Monday was "Basics" taught by Tom Wanke, Director of the Fluid Power Institute and Industry Relations.  That session was also attended by about 25 individuals interested in gaining more basic knowledge of fluid power technology.  The day concluded with a tour of the...


The 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference got underway this morning with he pre-event workshops including Advanced Hydraulics and Basic Hydraulics.  These two classes are very well attended today and it appears that everyone in attendance is satisfied with the content being presented. It is great to be back in Milwaukee at MSOE and I will have more updates.