Entrepreneurial Spirit

A few years ago, I had the privilege of hearing Michael Gerber speak at the Fluid Power Distributor Association Meeting.  He impressed me as an excellent speaker and he is the author of the series of books and audio programs on the e-myth.  If you have not had the chance to read any of these books and you are planning to be an entrepreneur, I advise you to take a look.

Anyway, I just finished listening to his book titled "The Most Successful Small Business in the World" and it stirred up many thoughts about businesses of all sizes and careers and how to make your career work.  I would advise you to look up and give it a read.

You actually don't need to own or start a company to make your entrepreneurial spirit work to your benefit as I learned by this book and the e-myth series as well.  If you run a department within a company, your entrepreneurial spirit will drive you to success as well.  If you are a company of one, the principles in this book apply as well.

In listening to this book, I realized how fortunate I am to be working at WTWH Media as the Publisher of Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network.  Everything about this company is entrepreneurial and it all started in 2006 with our founders Scott McCafferty and Mike Emich.

While listening to the 10 chapters on the 10 principles of building the Most Successful Small Business in the World, it struck me how important following these principles can be to building a successful business.  It was energizing to be reminded about how being empowered and enthusiastic about your business will drive the business to success.

The book is not really about small businesses only.  In fact, some of the success stories as startups that Mr. Gerber uses to explain how the process works are Apple, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart.  And, by the way, WTWH is not a small business either as we have enjoyed really great growth over the years and have moved very successfully from startup to a significant position in the business-to-business media world.

No matter where you are in your career, this book can give you a boost.  I also want to thank Scott and Mike for employing me at this company and allowing me to experience the principles of Success firsthand.

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