R&D from CCEFP

Continuous innovation is essential for a thriving fluid power industry.  One place where innovation is of paramount importance is the Center for Compact & Efficient Fluid Power or CCEFP.  In our new February issue of Fluid Power World, Senior Editor, Mary Gannon  https://twitter.com/DW_MaryGannon presents an article contributed by Erik Hemstad, a Master's student and Nebiyu Fikru, PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, titled CCEFP Update:  MEMS Technology Helping to Create Micro-Pneumatic Valves.

One of our many goals for our new publication, Fluid Power World, is to provide our audience with a report of what is happening in the R&D world for fluid power.  We offer a regular column in every issue on Research & Development.  

This particular article reports on a medical development in the area of orthoses.  With the assistance of a miniature pneumatic valve, MEMS technology were inspired to fit the valves on an ankle-foot orthosis to help fix abnormal walking parts. 

I invite you to read the entire article in the February issue of Fluid Power World.  Please click here for a link to our digital edition.   Also, please click here to subscribe to Fluid Power World.

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