Quarterly Report on the Fluid Power Economy
If your company is a member of the National Fluid Power Association NFPA , then you will receive quarterly reports done by the Institute for Trends Research, ITR, for NFPA members. This is very useful information because, as the name indicates, trends in the economy are reported on a regular basis. As Fluid Power World is a member of NFPA, I receive these reports and find them very useful. In addition to the information learned at the annual Industry & Economic Outlook Conference held in Wheeling, IL every August, I get updates throughout the year. There are also quarterly webcast updates of economic information done by ITR for NFPA members. The latest report for the third quarter of 2017 shows very solid economic conditions for the fluid power industry with accelerating growth for hydraulic and pneumatic components at a 12.3% rate for this year. While there will be a slowdown coming in growth, the forecast is for another positive plus growth year f...