Let Us Put Together the Right Package
At Fluid Power World, we have many tools to help our clients to send their product information and sales message to interested prospective customers as well as existing customers. The best usage of our services is to package together the right combination of media tools to optimize your marketing efforts.
It all starts with our print magazine
Every issue is full of interesting and informative fluid power content. Our readers keep coming back because of the quality of the content. We offer seven issues per year and they are all balanced in topics to include pneumatics, mobile hydraulics, industrial hydraulics, and product spotlights.
We offer five websites
It all starts with our print magazine
Every issue is full of interesting and informative fluid power content. Our readers keep coming back because of the quality of the content. We offer seven issues per year and they are all balanced in topics to include pneumatics, mobile hydraulics, industrial hydraulics, and product spotlights.
We offer five websites
Included in this mix are Fluid Power World, Pneumatic Tips, Mobile Hydraulic Tips, Sealing & Contamination Tips, and Hose Assembly Tips. If your company sells fluid power components, there is a place for your product information and banner advertising on our websites.
Five e-newsletters are sent out every month to our opt-in fluid power audience
Our e-newsletters include the same five titles as our websites. The e-newsletters consist of a combination of editorial content and ads. Clicks on the ads generate sales leads for the advertiser.
We also produce custom advertising options like e-blasts, white papers, video, webinars, and more. My recommendation for all fluid power companies is to use a package of media tools to reach your target audience to increase brand awareness and generate sales leads.
Please contact me for consultation at mference@wtwhmedia.com. Let us put together the right package for your company