Mobile Hydraulics Special Advertising Package

If you have been reading Fluid Power World for any amount of time, you know that we cover mobile hydraulic technology regularly in the magazine.  Coming in our August and December issues of Fluid Power World, we will have a spotlight on Agricultural Equipment and Mining Equipment respectively.

On the agricultural side, fluid power systems play a vital role in helping farmers to keep the world's population fed.  In August, our editors will take a look at some interesting applications.  On the mining side the power and force needed in very harsh environments such as mines, can best be achieved through the use of hydraulics.  This market has shown signs of recovery and we will take a look at some applications in December.

We also have a website titled Mobile Hydraulic Tips and it is dedicated to mobile technology across all mobile markets.  Here is a link  We update this website regularly with press releases about mobile components as well as application stories in all of the mobile markets.

This same great mobile hydraulic information can also be found in our Mobile Hydraulic Tips e-newsletters 

Content is picked up from our Mobile Hydraulic Tips website and blended into this e-newsletter with ads from mobile component companies.  

To do a deeper dive into lead generation, I can organize an e-blast with a single ad message out to our audience.  This is a very effective way to generate leads, especially if your ad is linked to a downloadable white paper.

Top that off with some excellent social media coverage from our team and you have a really great package to promote your company and products to an audience of mobile component buyers and specifiers in the second half of 2018.  If you would like more details on our Mobile Hydraulics Special Advertising Package, please contact me at

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