
Showing posts from March, 2020

Send us your fluid power content for posting

During this time of shut down and social distancing, our Fluid Power World websites are experiencing very good web traffic.  That being the case, I invite you to send us press releases about your products for posting on our sites.   With people working from home on their computers and waiting for the crisis to lift, reaching them by web with your product announcements is a good way to keep your information in front of your customers and prospects If your company is doing anything in particular with the current crisis, that would be very interesting to share.  Many companies are expressing that they are deemed essential businesses and thus contributing to the solution.  This is very interesting content for our audiences.  Also, we will be publishing a series about how fluid power companies are working through and innovating during the COVID-19 crisis.  We would like to hear from you about that. Here are links to our five websites: https://...

How do you configure a custom cylinder?

That is a good question and we have an answer for you.  Today, Fluid Power World presented a webinar presented by Prince Manufacturing on the subject of configuring a custom cylinder as well as custom valves. Here is a link where you can access this free webinar Our speaker, Scott Knaack from Prince Manufacturing makes the process very easy in this short program.  Check it out.

Our Websites are Working Well

During this time of "stay at home" working, many workers are using their computers to communicate and it is amazing how well that is working all things considered.  We have obviously developed a system of communication that does help us to work together in a time of crisis. Our Fluid Power World network of websites includes Fluid Power World, Mobile Hydraulic Tips, Pneumatic Tips, Hose Assembly Tips, and Sealing & Contamination Control Tips and they are getting updated on a regular basis.  We thank all of our contributing companies  for continuing to send us content to publish on our websites. We have particularly received verification from many companies that not only are they continuing to function through this latest crisis presented by the coronavirus. but many companies have been deemed essential to the functioning of our world and we thank them for their service and for sharing their stories.  Many have converted their resources to help with the solutio...

Changing the Date for our Conference

I hope that all is well with you and your company during the current health crisis facing our country and our world.  I firmly believe that we will get through this and people, companies, and countries will be even stronger on the other side of this. With that said, we continue to function to the best of our ability here at WTWH Media and Fluid Power World to serve our customers' marketing needs to help to ensure a strong future for each of them.  We do need to make an adjustment because of the crisis and that involves our Fluid Power Technology Conference scheduled for June in St. Paul, MN. We are delaying the Conference to  an unspecified date, as yet, in September at the earliest if at all possible.  Depending on our situation at that time, we may need to reassess but we will let you know about a new date as soon as a decision is possible.  So we will not be holding the Fluid Power Technology Conference in June as scheduled but we will contact all of...

Online Training

Here is a new idea we are considering at Fluid Power World, online fluid power training.  As you may know, we have a partnership with an awesome fluid power trainer by the name of Carl Dyke from CD Industrial Group.  Carl writes articles for Fluid Power World magazine, his articles appear on our websites and e-newsletters, and Carl is a regular speaker and presenter at our Fluid Power Technology Conference. The idea is for Fluid Power World to be a learning resource to our audience by having Carl share his expertise with video learning.  This will be an excellent way for technical people to update their understanding of fluid power technology.  I really don't receive a lot of feedback from this blog but I would be very interested in knowing if 1) if our audience would be interested in paying for such training and 2) would our advertisers be interested in sponsoring such content.  Please e-mail me at If you are not familiar with ...

Hang In There Folks

These are very difficult times to say the least.  The current health crises facing our world with the coronavirus, has made for a very uncertain business world too.  My best advice to everyone in the business world is to just hang in there and try to maintain business as usual while following all of the social distancing guidelines offered by the authorities. I believe that we will get over this crisis together but we need to be very smart and take all necessary precautions to help our medical professionals to do all that they can to protect us and help all in need. I will continue to pray for healing and an end to the crisis. In the mean time, while we are staying and working at home, our Fluid Power World digital network does offer our audience and our advertisers the opportunity to communicate during this time.  With our five websites and five e-newsletters, we continue to disseminate fluid power information to our audiences during this time. For advertisers, thi...

IFPE Download

The 2020 IFPE Show is going on this week in Las Vegas.  And, even though some of our team members, including me, have chosen not to attend the event, our coverage goes on thanks to those members of our team who are there. I would like to direct your attention to our IFPE Download section of our Fluid Power World website.  With Paul Heney on the ground at IFPE and with Mary Gannon and Ken Korane posting the information, our coverage goes on. It is unfortunate for our industry that the current health crisis involving the COVID-19 virus coincides with our industry's biggest event - IFPE.  I really wish that I could have been there shaking hands with current customers and meeting new prospective advertisers at the show and continuing to learn about our technology and the solutions provided by our industry companies. What our handling of this situation shows is that our team is flexible, professional, and quite involved and integrated into the fluid power industry. ...

Now is the time to promote

Actually, I can say that anytime because it is always a good time to promote your company and your products to an audience of potential buyers.  That is how our system of commerce works.  If you have a good product and customers need it, you need to let them know about your particular products and solutions. Letting people know about your particular solutions is what we are very good at here at Fluid Power World.  In print, online, through our e-mail system, and in person. We have many requests from fluid power companies to publish their product solutions in our media and we do oblige them by putting the content on our websites first and then in print.  The same great content is spread through our e-newsletters.  We also offer our clients, fluid power component manufacturers and distributors, the opportunity to present their solutions live and in person at our Fluid Power Technology Conference. So, if now is the time to promote your products, th...

IFPE 2020

Well, the big event is next week, IFPE 2020 co-located with ConExpo/ConAgg.  I know that some other big trade shows have been cancelled or postponed because of the uncertainty surrounding the spread of the COVID 19 virus.  But it looks like the Las Vegas events will go on as planned next week. I also know that some companies have pulled out of the IFPE event because of the threat posed by the virus but I have not heard of a complete list.  Right now it looks like Fluid Power World will be represented at our booth and at the event. We will be posting information about the event on our websites and it is my understanding that our editors will be circulating around the show also.  With that being the case, if you are in attendance, please stop by at our booth S-80752.  I will not personally be there because I have chosen to be extra cautious.  Feel free to contact me though with any questions about advertising. If you do choose to attend, be safe and enj...

One Fantastic Issue - February Fluid Power World

You may have already seen it, our February 2020 issue of Fluid Power World.  It is our IFPE Preview issue and we are really proud of it,  Here is a link to our digital issue link The IFPE Show takes place next week in Las Vegas and this is the biggest event in the fluid power industry.  Many fluid power component suppliers exhibit a this show and their names and booth numbers are listed in our February issue.   But it doesn't end there because we have some fantastic content about mobile hydraulic technology in February.  IFPE is co-located with the largest construction equipment show that being ConExpo/ConAgg.  Many of our advertisers are exhibiting in the big event next week as many of their mobile hydraulic customers are present at the ConExpo/ConAgg show.  Our February issue also features content about cylinder sensor, industrial hydraulics, and pneumatics.  We have some features on our advertisers as well. You can use our pages ...