Hang In There Folks

These are very difficult times to say the least.  The current health crises facing our world with the coronavirus, has made for a very uncertain business world too.  My best advice to everyone in the business world is to just hang in there and try to maintain business as usual while following all of the social distancing guidelines offered by the authorities.

I believe that we will get over this crisis together but we need to be very smart and take all necessary precautions to help our medical professionals to do all that they can to protect us and help all in need. I will continue to pray for healing and an end to the crisis.

In the mean time, while we are staying and working at home, our Fluid Power World digital network does offer our audience and our advertisers the opportunity to communicate during this time.  With our five websites and five e-newsletters, we continue to disseminate fluid power information to our audiences during this time.

For advertisers, this is still a good time to keep your messaging out there for customers and prospects and we are grateful for all of our advertisers who have maintained their advertising programs during this crisis.

We have come a long way together as a nation and we have come a long way together as a fluid power industry.  We will get through this, just hang in there.

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