AC14 A Big Success

The 2014 National Fluid Power Association Annual Conference aka AC14 was a big success by all measures.  The location, Eau Palm in Palm Beach, FL was a fantastic location and facility, the weather was superb, and the speakers were outstanding.

Steven Gold talked about governmental regulations and their effect on the business community.  The presentation was clear and concise but not surprising.  Peter Ziehan presented on geopolitics with the title Powers of Yesterday, Powers of Tomorrow.  His comments pointed to a mostly favorable future for the United States.

Jeffrey Lumetta revisited the topic of innovation which I feel is very relevant to the fluid power industry now and in the future.  It relates to the work of the CCEFP in developing new and exciting technology.  Max Brown finished with Leadership Vertigo, a very energizing talk.

The food was great, the company was better.  The general meeting was preceded by a meeting of the NFPA Board of Directors.

I thank the staff of the NFPA for their work in organizing this Annual Conference as it was one of the best that I have attended.  Great job NFPA!

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