Promoting With Video

One of the ways that you can promote your company's products is through the use of video.  In the day of YouTube, video has become a very popular way to communicate ideas and detailed information.

If your company sells fluid power components of any kind, video will work well in  your promotion plan.  When I say video, I am referring to one- to two-minute clips that tell a little about your company and then show your product and some of its features.

At Design World, we have an online video feature called Engineering Watch where we feature hundreds of videos that are made to assist Design Engineers in their understanding of all types of components including fluid power technology.

Additionally, each of our e-newsletters features a video.  This is a unique delivery method for engineering videos that are targeted to the audience of the particular e-newsletter such as pneumatics or mobile hydraulics.

We also have the capability of taking and editing engineering videos and we have done many.  If you would like more information on how to use our video option, please contact me.

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