Fluid Power World

We now have a brand new magazine, Fluid Power World, with the first-ever issue published.  In addition to the main feature articles, we have a Research & Development page.  In our first issue, we have an article from the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) about varying pump flow rates.

Our Association Watch page reports on the Fluid Power Education Foundation and the scholarships they have awarded.  Our new publication now becomes part of the overall fluid power education mix.  We are thrilled to add to the education of engineers.

This new publication also features a distributor update with a report on the 30th Anniversary NAHAD Convention.  This is the Association for Hose and Accessories Distribution.  I had the privilege of attending this meeting with our Editorial Director, Paul Heney.

We will have many great features in coming issues.  If your company sells fluid power components, please consider advertising in our next edition.  Please contact me for details at mference@wtwhmedia.com

Please take a moment to visit one of our websites associated with Fluid Power World, it is simply called FluidPowerWorld.  Send us your product reviews to be included on this new website.

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