Are you a fox or a hedgehog?
That is an odd question because if you are reading this, you are neither. However, if you have read the book Good to Great by Jim Collins, you know what I am referring to with this question. In chapter 5 of that book, author Collins discusses the Hedgehog Concept and the Simplicity within the Three Circles.
The fox is good at many things and is has a very complicate approach to life and pursues many ends at the same time. The hedgehog, on the other hand is very good at one thing, avoiding the fox. The analogy applies to a company knowing what they are good at and pursuing their goal single-mindedly every day. The three circles include What are you deeply passionate about? What can you be best in the world at? And, What drives your economic engine?
These are all questions that fluid power companies, manufacturers and distributors, should ask as they strive toward greatness. Which products are you really passionate about manufacturing and selling, cylinders? valves? pneumatic? electro hydraulic? Can your company make the best seals, motors, filters? And does making and selling these components drive your economic engine, can you be very profitable at it?
Again, I realize that this book was published in 2001, but as I reread it in 2018, I realize how much all of the theories and ideas expressed are very relevant today. I encourage you to check it out and make that transition from good to great!