Impressions, clicks, visits, sessions ... what does it all mean

If you have read my blog posts in the past, you know that I have been around business-to-business media for a long time.  No, I am not going to refer to the good old days of all print.  We have changed and evolved.

At one time, advertisers wanted brand awareness and some sales leads from reader service cards.  That went on for a long time.  Today's integrated advertising packages includes brand awareness, impressions, clicks, stickiness, and more.  But, what does that all mean?

An e-newsletter can have an open rate of under 20% and that is very good.  A banner ad can have a click through rate of less than 1% and still be very good.  Some advertisers judge the effectiveness of their advertising program through the traffic on their website.  Some go by total leads, still others by a combination of factors.

I remember a research report by Harvard Business Review that looked into the effectiveness of business-to-business advertising and the result can be summed up by the following statement.  The right message, sent over the right media, with frequency, will produce results in terms of increased brand awareness and sales leads.

That still holds true today whether you measure by readership, inquiries, clicks, impressions, or just instinct.  It still works.  If your company sells fluid power components and related products, I can help you.  Give me a call at 408-769-1188 in Cleveland, Ohio.

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