NAHAD and Hose Assembly Tips

NAHAD is the Association for Hose and Accessory Distribution and they are the primary and main association for hose and accessories.  They offer a wealth of information on hose assemblies and hose safety.  Please visit their website for more information at

NAHAD will be holding their Annual Convention this week with lots of great plans on the schedule.  For more information, visit their website.  Two of the featured speakers on the first day are Brian Beaulieu of ITR Economics, a frequent speaker at association events.  Brian and ITR have keen observations and insights about the industries involving hose assemblies specifically and fluid power in general.

The other headline speaker on Thursday will be Jack Uldrich of  Jack is a highly regarded keynote speaker with authoritative presentations on future trends, emerging technologies, innovation, change management and leadership.  He will be a big hit on the NAHAD stage.

Hose Assembly Tips is a website managed by WTWH Media to work together with Fluid Power World, our magazine, website, and e-newsletter.  There you will find a review of hose, fittings, couplings, assemblies, crimpers, and much more.

The combination of NAHAD and HAT will provide engineers, maintenance personnel, and supply chain professionals with insight and knowledge about current hose technology.

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