Share Your Tips

In any fluid power system, hydraulic or pneumatic, making solid connections in the lines that carry the fluid is very important.  Whether it is hydraulic fluid or air, preventing leakage and making connection access simple is essential to safe and efficient operation of machinery.  With that in mind, we created our website and e-newsletter titled Hose Assembly Tips

Designers, maintenance professionals, and machine operators have a lot to consider when selecting the right hose, fitting, assembly, crimper, hose material, quick couplings, or any of the conductors that carry fluid.  If your company has tips on how to do it best, please share them with our audience by sending your information to me at

Our audience needs to know about your success stories and product innovations.  Share your tips with them by having your photos and descriptions posted on Hose Assembly Tips.

Above is sample post from Hose Assembly Tips, for more information click here.

We also send these tips out to an interested and opted-in audience via our monthly Hose Assembly Tips e-newsletter.  To subscribe, click here.

This combination of Hose Assembly Tips, our website and e-newsletter will continue to provide useful information to users of all kinds of connectors and conductors.  If you are a user, please sign up for our e-newsletter and visit our website often.  If you are a supplier, please send us your Tips for inclusion.

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