
Showing posts from 2019

Wrapping Up 2019

Well, 2019 has been a very good year for Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network.  We published 7 great print issues with content that continues to be excellent from the perspective that it includes useful fluid power technical information that our readers can use on the job. I thank our editors for their dedication to producing excellent content in every issue!  I also thank our Graphic Designers for producing visually appealing issues.  I appreciate all that they do to make FPW so successful! Our websites continue to improve in their reach to more and more users with over 100,000 page views monthly!  Our network includes Sealing & Contamination Control Tips, Hose Assembly Tips, Pneumatic Tips, Mobile Hydraulic Tips, and Fluid Power World. Our lead generation opportunities, including e-newsletters and e-blasts, continue to deliver leads to our advertisers and send our great content to the inbox of our 34.000 subscribers.  ...

Great Content for 2020

What makes Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network attractive to our audience?  The answer is simple, it is our great content.  Our editors, Mary Gannon, Paul Heney, Ken Korane, and Mike Santora do a fantastic job of finding and presenting interesting application stories and product reviews. Engineers who work on OEM designs for all types of equipment powered by fluid power systems need to stay up-to-date on the technology.  Maintenance specialists and supply chain professionals also need to stay current with all aspects of hydraulic and pneumatic technology.  That is why they turn to Fluid Power World for the information they need on the job. We will offer our print publication seven times in 2020 starting with our IFPE Preview issue in February.  Every issue will feature mobile and industrial application stories as well as product and technology updates. Readers can access our content online with our digital issue, our five websites...

As we approach the New Year 2020 ...

We also approach the biggest fluid power event, IFPE 2020.  Fluid Power World will be there in full force at the Las Vegas Convention Center with the IFPE Show held in conjunction with ConExpo/ConAgg. So, also as we turn the corner soon on a New Year, Fluid Power World will be very active in promoting our advertisers participation in the IFPE 2020.  Please contact me for more details but our coverage will feature our Show Preview in the February issue of Fluid Power World and also utilize both e-mail and web promotions as well as Twitter for our clients. We are looking forward to a great 2020 that will include the IFPE Show and our coverage leading up to it.  I can be reached at  where I can work with you to use our existing pre-show package or make up a custom promotional package that will work best for your company.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

A few years ago, I had the privilege of hearing Michael Gerber speak at the Fluid Power Distributor Association Meeting.  He impressed me as an excellent speaker and he is the author of the series of books and audio programs on the e-myth.  If you have not had the chance to read any of these books and you are planning to be an entrepreneur, I advise you to take a look. Anyway, I just finished listening to his book titled "The Most Successful Small Business in the World" and it stirred up many thoughts about businesses of all sizes and careers and how to make your career work.  I would advise you to look up and give it a read. You actually don't need to own or start a company to make your entrepreneurial spirit work to your benefit as I learned by this book and the e-myth series as well.  If you run a department within a company, your entrepreneurial spirit will drive you to success as well.  If you are a company of one, the principles in this book apply as w...

Would you be interested in a free subscription?

If you are not subscribing now to Fluid Power World magazine and would like to, just follow this link and sign up today.  We have planned six regular issues of the magazine plus our Fluid Power Handbook in July. We will start the year with our coverage of the IFPE Show in Las Vegas in our February issue.  This is the biggest event in the industry and you can preview it with our February issue.  In April we will cover Waste Management, Offshore Hydraulics, Pneumatics in a Food and Beverage, Seals, and Power Units. Our June issue will focus on Material Handling Equipment, Agricultural Machinery, Pneumatics and IoT, FRLs, and Fittings.  August reports on Machine Tools, Mining Machinery, Packaging Machinery, Pneumatic Cylinders, and Gauges.  October will review Construction Equipment, Metal Working Machinery, Medical Applications, Hydraulic Hose, and Manifolds. We will finish the year with Snow and Ice Removal Equipment, Power Gen, Automation, Hydraul...

Tackling Hydraulic Challenges with Technology

That is what the designers and innovators in the fluid power industry have done for decades, use technology to make hydraulic systems more productive and efficient.  At the 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference in Cleveland last week, our keynote speaker, Joe Kovach of Komotion Technologies Ltd, gave an excellent presentation on the subject. Some of the challenges that Joe spoke of were leaks. noise, electrification, control, and efficiency.  In each case, he gave some examples where hydraulics have faced shortcomings and challenges but, in each case, he offered solutions.  His presentation held the complete attention of the audience gathered at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University. We were thrilled to have Joe Kovach as a keynote presenter at the Fluid Power Technology Conference as well as the many very qualified expert speakers doing presentations at this event.  I direct your attention to our Conference Website for details about upcoming...

IoT was well covered at our Fluid Power Technology Conference

One of the main themes of the 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference held in Cleveland earlier this week was IoT and how it will shape the future of fluid power.  We opened the event on Tuesday with a panel discussion on the topic with Jeremy Drury of IoT Diagnostics, Mike Nager of Festo, and Adam Livesay of Elevat.IoT. Our Editor, Mary Gannon did a great job of moderating and asking the questions.  This will continue to be a topic that receives lots of consideration and attention in the coming years as IoT and Industry 4.0 continue to affect the future of fluid power technology. Later in the event, Jeremy and his colleague, Will Tudoroff discussed The Missing Link Between Lubrication and Vibration Analysis in one of our breakout sessions.  Then, the IoT Diagnostics equipment was reviewed by our attendees at a site in the Wolstein Center where it could be accommodated.  A more in-depth and direct explanation was provided by Jeremy and Will to many interest...

Reviewing another successful Fluid Power Technology Conference

Over the past 3 days at Cleveland State University, our Fluid Power Technology Conference has been the site for excellent technical presentations, interesting exhibits, and lots of networking.  I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our exhibitors and sponsors who made this event possible. I also thank our long list of excellent speakers who all went the extra mile to give the very best an and most insightful presentation possible.  For the full list, please refer to this link From beginning to end, the ideas, concepts, solutions, and information shared with our audience was exceptional.  From IoT to mobile hydraulics, from electrification to engineering professionalism our audience received excellent content. Next year, our event will be held in St. Paul, MN in June and Detroit in November.  Please follow our website for details and updates.

Fluid Power Basic Workshop

Our friend and Fluid Power Hall of Famer, Tom Wanke of the Milwaukee School of Engineering presents his basic workshop at the Fluid Power Technology, site at Cleveland State University. Tom is a great speaker and educator and we are thrilled to have him present this week.

Fluid Power in Cleveland Kicks off This Morning

The Cleveland NFPA Regional Breakfast is kicking off our Cleveland week for Fluid Power.  Bogan Kozul is the speaker at the morning meeting after some networking at Cleveland State University. Bogdan is the director of the fluid power lab at CSU and a former Parker Hannifin employee for many years.  It is always fantastic to be in a room with other fluid power professionals like Bogdan to learn and discuss concepts about our industry. After the NFPA meeting our Fluid Power Basics program will take place also her at CSU.  Our Fluid Power Technology Conference starts tomorrow.  If you have not yet registered, just come on down tomorrow morning for the event. I have been involved in the fluid power industry for 40+ years and I never get tired of of the synergies of fluid power professionals gathered to further the industry.  It is great to be at the NFPA Regional Meeting this morning and we thank the NFPA for co-locating their event with our Fluid Power ...

An Opportunity to Make Connections, An Opportunity to Shine

Next week, our Fluid Power Technology Conference will happen in Cleveland, Ohio, our hometown. The exact location is at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University, my college.  Those two facts really don't matter to our exhibitors or our audience. What does matter is that this event offers exhibitors an opportunity to make connections with potential customers, to get feedback about their needs and experiences with the product groups sold by our exhibitors.  It gives both groups, exhibitors and attendees, the chance to exchange successes and challenges in the many applications of fluid power components. The Fluid Power Technology Conference is an event that involves people first and foremost!  While there are many useful ways for sellers to connect with buyers, there is none better than face-to-face and that is the opportunity afforded by our event next week.  It is a chance to say "hi" and to shake hands and ask "how can our products or services help ...

So happy to have these all-stars own our team!

The presenters for Fluid Power World at our upcoming Fluid Power Technology Conference looks like a fluid power all-star team.  Our whole group of presenters are all-stars in their profession including Jeremy Drury, Adam Livesay, Rodney Rusk, Joe Kovach, Wil Tudoroff, Bill Horrigan, Tim Girardi, Charles Schreiner, Michael Terzo, Simon Neilsen, Miles Budimir, Mike Nager, and Thomas Fischer. These are the excellent presenters from our exhibitor companies and from our panel presentations.  We are thrilled to have each one of these experts at our Fluid Power Technology Conference in Cleveland November 18-19, 2019 click here to register . The other all-stars that I am referring to our our regular presenters who also contribute significantly to our content in Fluid Power World magazine, our five websites, our five e-newsletters, and our fluid power editorial webinars. They are Carl Dyke, founder of CD Industrial Group Josh Cosford, General Manager at Higginson Equipment...

#JoinUsInCLE in a few weeks

Mary, Paul, and I have been visiting many companies in the area to spread the word about our upcoming Fluid Power Technology Conference being held at Cleveland State University on November 18-20, 2019.  We are thrilled to have this event in our hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, home of many fluid power users, OEMs, maintenance and repair experts, and supply chain professionals. Here is a link to our website   where you can find more information about our event including: The overall agenda for the three days Information about our speakers An online registration page Information about the pre-conference workshop Information about travel and accommodations We are also very excited to be co-locating our event with the NFPA Cleveland Regional Meeting that I encourage you to attend.   Here is a link to register  for the NFPA Meeting. The week of November 18th promises to be an exciting week for fluid power in Cleveland with our Fluid Power Technology...

Visit the CSU Fluid Power Lab

As a part of our upcoming 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference at CSU on November 19-20, 2019, we will be offering our attendees a tour of the fairly new fluid power lab at the Washkewicz College of Engineering at Cleveland State University.  The lat was designed and built by Bogdan Kozul, Associate Professor at CSU. For more information, follow this link  for the full story as it appears on our website.  To register for the Conference as well as the lab tour here is our registration link. In addition to the Fluid Power Basics course taught on Monday, two days of seminar sessions from the FPTC Stage, and many conversations with fluid power experts at their booths, this lab tour will round out three days of discovery and learning about the latest in fluid power technology. #JoinUsInCLE

Fluid Power Diagnostics, check out this video

Here is a quick preview of what you can expect to learn about IoT in Fluid Power at the upcoming Fluid Power Technology Conference in Cleveland on November 19-20, 2019.   Here is a link to the video. h I will be posting more about what to expect at the Conference and I invite you to sign up now to attend.  Here is a link to our registration page   register today

The Future of Mobile Hydraulics

One of the features of our Fluid Power Technology Conference taking place on November 19-20, 2019 at Cleveland State University in Cleveland is our Mobile Hydraulics Panel.  It will consist of industry experts from Danfoss, Liebherr, Hydrotech, and our own Carl Dyke from CD Industrial Group. Of course, mobile hydraulics remains the largest sector of fluid power applications.  So what will these experts have to say about the future of this important sector?  I don't know, you will have to register and attend the event to find out. Register Here We are delighted to present our latest Fluid Power Technology Conference event in the Cleveland area at a university that features a new fluid power lab.  A tour of that lab will be part of our event. I hope that you can #JoinUsInCLE

NFPA to Co-Locate with FPTC

We are thrilled to have the NFPA Cleveland Regional Meeting co-locating with our upcoming Fluid Power Technology Conference at Cleveland State University. I invite you to click here for that meeting.   It will be an excellent opportunity to network with your industry peers and share success stories and challenges of the year.  At this meeting, you will have the opportunity to get an update from Bogdan Kozul of CSU on the fluid power lab and related programs at the University, proudly my alma mater. I also invite you to register for our Fluid Power Technology Conference click here  for two days of excellent fluid power presentations, more networking, hospitality, and a tour of the fluid power lab, #JoinUsInCLE

What role will IoT play in the future of fluid power

Well, I don't have the answer to that question but I know of some experts who can certainly give some very interesting insights into the understanding of the role of IoT in fluid power. At our November 19-20, 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference in Cleveland at CSU, our IoT panel will discuss that very topic.  Included on that panel of experts will be Jeremy Drury of IoT Diagnostics, Adam Livesay of Elevat IoT, Mike Nager of Festo, and Rodney Rusk of Bosch Rexroth. They will be discussing the concepts, methods, and technologies being used to implement IoT into fluid power systems.  They will consider where on your machinery this new technology should be introduced, who in your facility should be involved, and what technologies should be considered. It is interesting that in a mature technology like fluid power that developers are finding ways to improve the operation, efficiency, and expected results of all types of industrial and mobile machinery including ol...

I am getting a better grasp on Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

It is taking me some time and study but with each session with our VP of Digital Marketing, Virginia Goulding, I am getting a better understanding of the how AI works and what value it offers to our clients. When a client chooses to sponsor a category, let's say, hydraulic hose for example, they have their unique asset offered to individuals who are known to be seeking information on hydraulic hose.  It works best if the advertiser has an interesting asset like a white paper or data sheet on how certain types of hose perform or how to monitor hose life for example. By delivering an invitation to our audience to access that asset with valuable information, we are directing a pre-qualified audience to such information allowing our client to answer their needs.  We offer a three-month sponsorship to that audience to our advertiser on an exclusive basis. The program described here is the Affinity Based program that we offer.  For more details on the program, plea...

So much to talk about ...

If you have known me,  you know that I have no trouble talking about Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network! I have so much to talk about and so little time before the end of this year.  Now is the time when companies are deciding on their marketing programs for 2020.  With next year being an IFPE year (every three years) we have an extra consideration in planning for success in 2020. My clients are located all around the U.S. and Canada and even in Europe and Asia and getting there can be difficult to impossible.  For that reason, can we set up a Zoom Meeting to review our many media opportunities for 2020?  It is really simple, I will invite you to a meeting and all you do is click on the link at the appropriate time and Zoom we are connected. I usually like to use the video option so that it really feels like the next best thing to being there, and I invite you to do so also! So, what are we waiting for, there is so much t...

Fluid Power Basics presented at FPTC CLE

We welcome Tom Wanke of the Milwaukee School of Engineering to present a course on Fluid Power Basics at the November Fluid Power Technology Conference being held in Cleveland on November 19-20, 2019 at CSU.  The Basics session will be presented on Monday, November 18, 2019 also at the CSU Convocation Center. Tom has been associated with the Fluid Power Technology Conference since it was launched in 2016 and he has presented content at each of the four previous conferences, all held at MSOE.  We are bringing Tom to Cleveland to continue his educational course titled Fluid Power Basic Workshop to be presented from 11:00 AM until 5:00 PM on Monday November 18, 2019. Here is a link for you to register for the Fluid Power Technology Conference and the Basic Workshop Earlier that day, the National Fluid Power Association will be holding their Cleveland Regional Meeting at the Cleveland State Convocation center where our event is taking place. Here is a link to re...

Cleveland Fluid Power Technology Conference

Registration is now open for our Fluid Power Technology Conference taking place at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio on November 19-20, 2019.  Please click here for the registration page. The event starts on Monday 11/18/19 with a Fluid Power Basics course taught by Tom Wanke of MSOE offering instruction on hydraulic systems that is useful to any professional with a need for some level of fluid power proficiency.  The course is open to all registrants and will take place at the Convocation Center at CSU. The next two days will be filled with seminar sessions, exhibits of fluid power components, networking, a fluid power lab tour, lunches, and a hospitality session on Tuesday.  There will be two panel presentations in addition to the seminar sessions including one on the topic of IoT in fluid power and another on mobile hydraulics. I hope that you will consider joining us at CSU for the November 2019 Fluid Power Technology Conference #JoinUsInCLE ...

2020 ICUEE

The 2020 ICUEE is taking place this week in steamy Louisville, KY.  Steamy because the outside temperature are in the upper 90s.  However, the inside exhibits are just right. This is the show that serves companies and individuals who use construction vehicles, devices, materials, and more for the utility markets and that includes both government entities such as cities and counties as well as private's utilities.  It has a large outdoor exhibit area which was difficult to navigate this week because of the high temperatures. The show is referred to as the Demo Expo because of the many opportunities to demo the equipment on display.  Large areas of simulated work zones are set up in the outside exhibit areas to allow for the operation of some of the mobile equipment on display.  The inside booths, where I like to spend my time on a week like this, features many component suppliers including about 80 makers of fluid power components and related produ...

Coming in our December Issue

We continue our great second half plans for 2019 at  Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network.  Of course, our print magazine has some very interesting and informative content planned for the year.  In our December issue, we will feature  Mining Applications,    Robotics, Safety in Pneumatics, our IFPE preview, hydraulic cylinders, and filtration systems. Mining continues to be a major market for hydraulic components and our editors will take a look at some of the contributions of hydraulics to the extraction of important minerals and other resources.   Robotics  continue to grow in their overall importance in industrial applications with the help of fluid power technology. Safety  always has been and continues to be an important design and maintenance function of all pneumatic systems.  This feature will offer some examples that illustrate the need for safety measures in industrial applications. ...

We Have Big Plans for IFPE 2020

It is not too early to start promoting your company's participation in the biggest fluid power event in the U.S. and that is IFPE 2020 taking place in Las Vegas in March 2020.  As you probably know, this show is held in conjunction with the ConExpo/ConAg Show making it one of the biggest events in the country. We have a multi-media package prepared from Fluid Power World that will utilize our print magazine, online ads and content, e-newsletter ads, video, social media, and more.  I am very interested in telling you more about what we have prepared at Fluid Power World. If your company is investing already in this huge event and you want to maximize your experience there, please contact me and I will work with you to customize a promotional plan to enhance your IFPE experience

Let's Start With the Basics ... and then on to the future

It is that time of year that fluid power companies are putting together their marketing plans for 2020.  During this time every year, I have many meetings and discussions with our Fluid Power World advertisers to devise the very best marketing program possible for their budgets. After many years of advising clients, my approach to marketing plans for my clients has evolved.  Many advertisers are now utilizing SEO, Social Media, AI, sales lead management, and more in their plans and in their marketing tech stack. Most, if not all, of my discussions with clients involve all of the above.  However, most, if not all, of those discussions start with the basics.  And from my perspective, the basics involve increasing brand awareness while generating sales leads.  That includes print, web, and e-mail based advertising and Fluid Power World is very strong in all three categories. With all of the marketing tools now available, there is still no substitute fo...

Let us help tell your story

Every fluid power component manufacturer or distributor has an interesting story to tell.  In most cases, there are numerous stories to tell.  We can help your company to tell your story to buyers, specifiers, prospects, supply chain professionals, and even other industry professionals. One of the most tried and tested means for telling your story is with our magazine, Fluid Power World.  There, we can help you to describe what your products can do, how they are used, and even some of your best success stories.  And the best part of it is that our readers are really interested. That same content can also be delivered electronically on our website and through our e-newsletters. If you would like to tell your story in person, we offer the Fluid Power Technology Conference and the next one will be held in Cleveland at Cleveland State University on November 19-20, 2019.   Here is more information. So, we have the means to help your compa...

Coming in October

We continue our great second half plans for 2019 at  Fluid Power World magazine and digital media network.  Of course, our print magazine has some very interesting and informative content planned for the year.  In our October issue, we will feature  Forestry Equipment.    This market has remained a vital user group for all types of hydraulic components.  On the industrial side,  Plant Maintenance 101 best practices to aid designers and maintenance people alike on the ways to keep hydraulic and pneumatic systems running efficiently.  Our October issue will feature  Pneumatics in Vacuum Applications .   Whether your company is involved in medical, manufacturing, or any type of automation, this article will be helpful.  And we will review  Accumulators  and  Hydraulic Fluids. Turning to the digital side of our business, we offer six websites and e-newsletters including Fluid Power W...


I like using hashtags even though I am not sure how effective my usage of them has been?  ZoomInonSuccess2020 makes sense for one reason, I like using our Zoom Meeting tool to connect with customers and prospects. It is a very useful way to stay in touch, present my story about Fluid Power World, and even see each other in the little screen.  I am getting much better at conducting Zoom Meetings and really getting used to the technology. If you are one of my current customers or prospective customers, let's schedule a Zoom Meeting to review your past advertising program and take a look at the opportunities for 2020.  I promise to be brief and only focus on the areas of interest to you. My presentation will be sent to you afterward for your review and for questions.  I really hope that we can have a Zoom Meeting soon because I have so much to tell you about 2020.  It is an IFPE year after all and we have a great pre-event promo package put together ...

2020 Planning

As we are now past Labor Day and heading into the Fall season, now is a good time to plan your marketing program for 2020 and I would like to help you with that.  The IFPE Show will be held in March 2020 making it a big year for fluid power! Fluid Power World will be promoting IFPE in a big way and I would like to share our plans with you.  We have seven more great issues scheduled for 2020 including our Fluid Power Handbook in July.  We strive to provide our audience the very best fluid power content available. The traffic on our websites continues to grow and now stands at the threshold of 100,000 page views per month on our network including Fluid Power World , Sealing & Contamination Control Tips , Hose Assembly Tips , Pneumatic Tips , and Mobile Hydraulic Tips .  Our webinar schedule is put together and ready for hosting. We will continue publishing our e-newsletters of the same titles as our websites to add lead generation to your marketing p...