What are you enthusiastic about?

Think of all the people that you come into contact with every day. Do they greet you with enthusiasm? Are they interested in what you have to say to them?

How many people do the things they do every day with enthusiasm? I don't necessarily mean outward obvious signs of enthusiasm but sincere eagerness to be open and sharing with others. It is so gratifying when you know that a person you speak with is really interested in you and what you have to say.

As we go through our day, whether it be at work, at play or at home, things would go so much better if we were enthusiastic about what we are doing. The golden rule does apply here, show the kind of enthusiasm that you would like to receive. Give it some consideration.

On the business side, enthusiasm goes a long way toward helping individuals and companies with success.  As I attend trade shows, I can see the difference that genuine enthusiasm makes in connecting with prospective new customers at the show.  The same is true at the companies that I visit.

At my company, I can see what a difference enthusiasm makes at WTWH Media where our employees love what they do, trust their coworkers, and give their best everyday.  That is one thing that I am very enthusiastic about.

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