A Very Special Marketing Opportunity
Fluid Power World is able to offer companies involved with hydraulic filtration and cleanliness a very special opportunity. It is a three-part marketing plan.
1. Webinars - We have two scheduled editorial webinars this Fall dealing with these subjects with sponsorship spaces available.
October 16, 2016 - Dealing With Contamination - Part 1
December 16, 2016 Solutions for Contamination - Part 2
With our editorial webinars, our sponsors receive an informational slide within the webinar, a logo promoting the sponsors on all of the e-blast promotion, and the leads generated from the webinars.
2. New Website - Our Sealing & Contamination Control Tips website has been launched and it features everything our audience will need to know about keeping systems clean and sealed. If your company makes seals or filtration components, please send us your press releases and case histories for posting.
1. Webinars - We have two scheduled editorial webinars this Fall dealing with these subjects with sponsorship spaces available.
October 16, 2016 - Dealing With Contamination - Part 1
December 16, 2016 Solutions for Contamination - Part 2
With our editorial webinars, our sponsors receive an informational slide within the webinar, a logo promoting the sponsors on all of the e-blast promotion, and the leads generated from the webinars.
2. New Website - Our Sealing & Contamination Control Tips website has been launched and it features everything our audience will need to know about keeping systems clean and sealed. If your company makes seals or filtration components, please send us your press releases and case histories for posting.
3. New e-newsletter - In conjunction with our new website, we will also be launching a new Sealing & Contamination Control Tips e-newsletter. It will contain the same great content as our new website.
This is a great three-part plan to reach our audience members interested in sealing and filtration with your sales message. If your company participates in this plan, you will be increasing brand awareness while generating sales leads.
Please contact me for more information at mference@wtwhmedia.com