It's Not Just Who You Know

I like to read books and listen to audio programs that can help me professionally.  Some are really good and some are just good.  None are bad so far.

I have written about The Richest Man in Babylon and The Magic Story several times before in this blog.  A book by Jim Collins titled Good to Great also fits into this classification for me.  Those are considered must reads for everyone.

Now I am working on another new story that seems to be in that same category.  It's Not Just Who You Know is written by Tommy Spaulding seems to be falling in that ranking as I work my way through the audio version.  Click here for more information.

In this book, the author describes how you can transform your life and your organization through the relationships you make in various walks of life.  He describes how it has worked for him personally.  His easy-going storytelling style makes it even more appealing.  I invite you to check it out.

We are presented with many opportunities on a daily basis that will be useful in both our business and personal life.  This book offers ways to make that happen.

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