Coming in February

I know that it is not the end of 2014 yet and we are indeed still working on our January 2015 issue of Design World and Fluid Power World.  With that being said, I still want to tell you about our upcoming February 2015 issue.

In a nutshell, it will be packed with great fluid power content from cover to cover.  It starts with our coverage of a very important mobile hydraulics market, that being mining equipment.  In this section, we will review a transport vehicle and how the hydraulic systems make it very reliable.  For more information on all mobile hydraulic applications and components, refer to MobileHydraulicTips.

We pick up with Pneumatics in Automation, a top-three pneumatics market.  In this feature, we will review the benefits of using pneumatic systems to make automation simple and reliable.  For additional content on pneumatics, you can refer to PneumaticTips right now.

Energy is always going to be a big concern and in our February issue, we will take a look at hydraulics in wind turbines among other industrial applications.  Every issue will feature industrial hydraulics as does FluidPowerWorld.

In keeping with our ongoing mission to include valuable content in our magazine on Hose Assemblies, we will examine hose construction in February.  Again, you can access great HoseAssembyTips on our newest website.

Of course you can register for regular monthly e-newsletters on all of the above topics on our website registration page.  We will deliver great content to your inbox regularly.  Also, visit FPW's circulation page to subscribe to Fluid Power World.

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