Fluid Power and Social Media

I am often asked about social media by marketers of fluid power components.  Most of them are using social media to some extent.  Here are some helpful tips about SM that I actually found on Twitter from @Danielle_Prager.

This is an ongoing and unfolding medium that continues to find useful ways to help companies to market their products, including fluid power companies.  My advice from the beginning was to have a company strategist manage the process so the correct messages are getting out.  Now that advice is much more complicated and I think that Danielle, has some great advice that I agree with.

All of SM can be useful to your company's marketing program.  It does not replace more traditional media but works with it.

At Design World, we offer some great service in the area of Social Media.  I would be happy to assist you in finding was that we can help.  Just give me a call at 408-769-1188.

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