Read 30 Minutes Each Day in Your Field

I have often quoted one of my favorite authors and business experts, Brian Tracy.  If you want to know more about him, check out his website with many tools to help your career.

One of my key takeaways from reading and listening to Brian, is his advice to read 30 minutes every day in your field.  If you just commit to reading that much, you will gain an advantage in your career that is so very valuable.

If you have a career in sales, find authors like Brian to follow.  If you are an engineer, find excellent sources of information to study every dat to add to your knowledge base.  I now represent Design World Magazine and Digital Network.  We offer an abundance of great engineering content in print and online.

I recommend that you visit our website to access our volumes of engineering content including our fluid power articles, product reviews, company reviews, and much more.  You can also subscribe to our monthly magazine and our e-newsletters.

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